Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rent vs Buy in the City of Sin

Our decision to move to Las Vegas was made months ago while the snow was still falling. In anticipation, we've been both virtually and physically house hunting. We've found the "perfect" home several times - alas, they were not meant to be. Thankfully, our realtors are patient and kind and never tire of our yapping about our "musts" of a Vodoo room and perfect pool oasis. We've long since gathered our belongings, crammed them on a truck, sold our precious little home (that we'd dumped money and love into to make super cute AND that had been in my fiance's family for years), and moved to a little one bedroom apartment in a complex infested with dogs and ants. Stack a new engagement and a new job for the mister on top of that and you get a stressed out 30-something couple looking for wide-open floorplans.

Here we are at the helm of July pushing closer and closer to our September move deadline without a home in sight, though its not for lack of trying. The economy is topsy-turvey which means prices are down, interest rates are down, and foreclosures are up. Good for us. Then consider those people who can no longer afford their homes for these same reasons....those people who are in such dire straights that they're snatching up appliances and flooring and outlets and copper piping for Goddess' sake! And the banks who can't decide what a "fair" market value is. Taxes are down, does that mean they'll go up? Do we buy because the interest rates are <5%? Do we negotiate the "perfect" home for months on end with a bank? Will prices go up in 3-5 years so we can sell for profit? These are the questions and issues we're dealing with.

Recently, there's a break in the clouds, a light at the end of the tunnel, a clairvoyant vision :: what about renting? Craigslist please be our friend! So far we learned are that 95% of the people on craigslist are (nicely put) scammers. Also, that a rental home, with a pool, that will allow our 130lb, 10-year-old Mastiff child to live with us are far and few between. BUT a rental means no upkeep, no taxes, and no ball and chain if the going gets tough. It also means a slightly higher, albeit fixed, price tag.

In mid-July we'll revisit Vegas for our 4th house hunting expedition. To gamble or not to gamble, that is the question.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

CHERRY CAIPIROSKA || My perfect cocktail

I've been on the hunt for my "perfect cocktail" for months now - something not too sweet, not too salty, not too strong :), yet smooth, refreshing, crisp and low cal. Ladies and Gents, the Cherry Caipiroska is it! Black cherries are DELICIOUS this time of year and the Amaretto, Raspberry Belvedere and lime are its tongue-dazzling complements. Cheers!

50ml/ 2 oz (one shot) Belvedere Black Raspberry
4 fresh cherries
25ml/ ¾ oz (half shot) lemon juice
- or try lime or diet squirt for a fizzy treat!
Dash Amaretto liqueur
Muddle cherries. Add the rest of the ingredients, and shake with cubed ice. Strain into a rocks glass filled with crushed ice. Stir and re-top with crushed ice. Garnish with a fresh cherry.

Find other fabulous cocktail recipes here: www.belvederevodka.com - thanks Chelsea Handler!!!