Friday, January 21, 2011

Winter Skin Miracle Cure - Argan Oil

I'm always on the hunt for the latest, most fabulous, healthy (and more recently, organic) beauty products out there. In the last couple years I've heard more and more about the benefit of using natural oils such as argan, squalene, and even olive oil on your face, body, cuticles and hair! Of course I had to try these out because an oil is just oil and therefore I know what I'm putting on my face (and also what is seeping into my body through my skin) if I steer clear from department moisturizers.

I've been using squalene oil on my face for about 2 years now with mixed results. For the most part, it is a fantastic, moisturizing oil that typically doesn't cause clogged poors. However, it seems...well....heavy and I can only use it at night as it causes my foundation (NARS is the only way to go, by the way) to slide off.

Last week I purchased Josie Maran's 100% Argan Oil from Sephora. For about $48 you get a 1.7fl oz recycled glass bottle full of 100% organic liquid gold magic! Argan oil is rich in Vitamin E and essential fatty acids and is even safe for baby's skin. It glides on so easily and soaks into the skin quickly while giving you that dewy look that we all strive to get. My foundation has never looked so good! In fact, I went 4 days this week with only the Argan oil and foundation on --  if you know me you know this is WAY out of my norm.  My skin was glowing, free of zits and very moisturized in the dead of winter. Like I said - miracle in a bottle.

So, the moral of the story is TRY THESE OILS! You just don't know what you're putting on your skin if you can't pronounce the ingredients. Josie Maran has a whole line of cosmetics with argan oil as the primary ingredient ( And f you don't like buying your facial products from a model, then search "argan oil" on facebook or google where you'll find several other argan oil distributors. Go explore and happy shopping!!!

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